Tuesday, October 30, 2007


The past few days was really exciting. Got so many things to post about, but I will try to make it as short as possible.

Last Friday, the Kelab Sivic and Kebajikan went to visit the Ti-Ratana orphanage home. The management claimed that there is 190 boys and girls in the home. Initially, we assumed there is only 80 children, so we bought supplies enough for 60 children only. Oops. Then, I took charge of the games and start with the Banana Dance, and later a balloon game. After the Banana Dance, we gave each child a mechanical pencil as reward. Now, what do you get if you have very naughty and jolly children, mechanical pencils, and balloons? Chaos. I think I did not do a good job in organizing games. Time to improve.

Later that night, I manage to do well in the conclusion section for the HSD meeting (my religion's high school division's meeting). After so much of worries and pressure, I felt quite happy about it. Although I accidentally missed out some important points (by the way, I'm explaining "The Three Poison"), but I think the experience is worth it. I would like to thank my brother for putting lots of effort in preparing his presentation on blood pressure (the main topic of the meeting is "Blood Pressure"; everyone was enlightened =D).

Next day, we had class party which is compulsory for all students. We had so much food (was it much? Not sure.) to eat especially when we ordered SIX pizzas. Crazy. Deng, I forgot to eat the Secret Recipe's cake. But the most important thing is that the class had fun and once-in-a-while-relaxing moments. I embrassed myself with dancing, pole dancing (Dinesh was the pole), chair dancing (plastic chair, I mean), and... declined to say. Too embrassing. Hoong Jun, why muka kita tebal???? Even our class teacher filmed us. Dear me.

Next day's main focus was the dance practice. The gymnastics group came over to teach us about jumping techniques, which was really cool. Some of us members almost injured ourselves attempting to execute some jumps. In the end, we all manage to execute the jump and the roll. Thank you gymnastics~!!! XD

The same night, Zhuang Xiao called and gave me a grave news: Must be at school the next day by 6.30am, or else the bus to Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong's funeral will leave without us. Oh, ya. My classmates and I represented our school with some other 60 members to attend the funeral in Genting Highland, or shall we say, GohTong Jaya. Luckily, with the invention of the telephones and handphones, we all manage to pass the message of notification to everyone. Thank you Alexander Graham Bell~!!!!

The funeral was really grand. We all waited for the hearse to pass by GohTong Jaya so that we will parade behind later. It was really tiring to stand and wait, wait, wait, wait and wait. After the argonizing hours, the hearse and the parade finally came. We paraded for the next 30 minutes all the way to the memorial centre. Then the staff served us food and drinks. It was really the grandest funeral I ever attended (or is it me that seldom attend any funeral). I would like to dedicate this post to Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong whom have help many people in the world through charities and also inspired many people with his life experiences. Thank you, Tan Sri, and may peace be upon you.

Oh by the way, my class (and collaborated with L6P) won the football telematch against L6C-L6P 5-3. Yea~!!! (Contributions of tackles and steals by defenders like me... thank you thank you XD)

Perasan gila.

Time to get prepared for this Friday's Contemporary Appreciation Night in Bunka Kaikan, Cheras. If any one of you are attending (free admission by the way), come at 7.30pm. There will be some pre-performances (from my team and me XD).

Peace out~!!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Woo-hoo~!! I get to perform the opening dance for contemporary appreciation night! I got a call from the PIC, which is a big relieve for me. I thought I wasn't up to their standards at all (especially contemporary).

The whole holiday week was really fun for me. Since I seldom jog to train my stamina, so I think it's time. Initially, I wanted to jog every morning since it's holidays, but due to my laziness that has been in existence since the era of mankind, I could only manage to fork out three mornings to jog. I did see some improvement after jogging. First morning: 12 minutes 01 seconds. Second morning: 15 minutes 30 seconds. Third morning: 18 minutes 34 seconds. Now at least I feel a bit more confident (or arrogant XD).

Now my mom wants my dance team (which was formed few weeks ago for mid-autumn festival) to perform for her school's graduation day. Now I'm in a dilemma. 31 October I will perform for her school and two days later (2nd November) is contemporary appreciation night! Hectic~!!!

Never mind. Hope it all goes well.

Oh dear. I forgot to do all my holiday homeworks.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Friday, October 12, 2007

Wow, my dance turn out well.

The teacher (that was in charge of the Chinese club) booked us for dancing for next year's anugerah cemerlang at March 2008 right after our performance of Mid Autumn Festival. My mom also wanted the team to perform in her school (SMJK Confucian) at 31st October this month.

But one thing depressed me.

Here's the conversation.

Teacher: What a nice performance you all did!
We: Thank you~!!!
Teacher: Next year, I want you all perform in Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang. Can?
We: No problem~!!
Me: *Blurred*
Teacher: Good good! Who chereographed this dance? (All pointed me)
Teacher: Really? Nice Chinese dance!
We: Har? *stunned* [Silence]
Me: Chinese dance? It's not hip hop meh?
Teacher: Got hip hop meh??


Monday, October 08, 2007

Finally the exams is over.

Can't describe the feeling.

Manage to do well in Physics, Mathematics, General Paper, Computer Literature (I know, pointless subject), and MUET. But of course, lo and behold, in the name of my mom's school, I almost failed my Chemistry and Economics paper. I do expect that, but still feeling very depressing.

Now back to dance practice after school. The team and I are going to perform in Mid Autumn Festival this Thursday. Now everyday stay back and dance and dance. Hope it's going to be a shocker this Thursday night. XD "Huo, huo, huo-huo, huo, huo-huo, huo~!!!" (Jay Chou's Huo Yan Jia)

Yesterday's dance practice in Cheras was tiring especially the stretching part. Oh my goodness. My legs are numb. I hope I don't overstress my legs, or else this Thursday I FFK my team. NO WAY. Learn new hip hop steps. VERY DIFFICULT. Listen to the song "K-O" by Lin Jun Jie and imagine me trying and struggling like a donkey doing new steps. Sigh.

At the same time, must go back to my Economics and Chemistry.

Now I ask myself a question that haunted me since after exams.


Silly me.