Friday, January 25, 2008


Opportunity rises again!!

Once again, the unofficial irritating dance team of form sixth MBS has finally been given another chance to perform during Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang as promised last year. This time I want to have more and more people crazing around the stage. I am thinking of the theme "crazy" literally. But one thing I feel guilty about: I am going to "borrow" dance steps from my sifu in HAD. At the same time, I am going to use the same song too. Not sure whether that is considered illegal (since all dance steps are all right reserved).

Later, I will go ask him.

The dance will be 98% similiar to the one I performed in Negeri Sembilan Cultural Charity. Oh dear, NOW I feel guilty. The only difference is the number of people and the formation. So sorry sifu... >.<


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