Friday, October 31, 2008

Random pictures! The photos here are to make the blog less monochromatic.
Uncle Duck's steamboat! The killer soup that Alairic and me shared.

Uncle Duck's New Zealand Beef, Sliced Chicken and erm... not sure the last meat.
This is heaven. Ordering three different dish of meat.

Mok Wai Kit found this sign in Nando's restroom.
Must have been comforting to him.
LOL. He going to kill me during tuition.

It's nostalgic to see the infamous No Parking sign that I walked past almost everyday.
Gonna miss this sign.
*Fetish on signs.

This what stress do to you: Mood swings.
In my situation, I'm camwhoring while doing maths.
That's unheard of, huh?

Nando's Auntie Fork and Uncle Knife.
Don't approach them when they are arguing.
Great, I'm hallucinating.

Wee~!!! My collage with the addition of two new photo in the middle!!
I looked like I'm confused of my own gender in the class photo.


Unknown said...

Thanks for your wish. You too. Life goes in circle. Once, I was someone's junior. Then, I was your senior. Now, you are someone's senior. Haha. Anyway. Just use your full strength to tackle STPM. It worths everything.

= Kenneth =

p/s: Miss the old good days so much in MBS.

Daniel Siow said...

LOL... of coz sure miss... last time to wear uniform... hahahahha!