Saturday, May 23, 2009

omg seriously I can't go JD fun day...

So sori guys~!!!! Will join you guys next month!!!

Although still in pain, but at least it is better than yesterday... yesterday I can't even walk to the fridge to find food!!!

But today, I managed to walk to the fridge... TO FIND IT EMPTY!!! WARGHHH!!!!!!

Have you ever been in a situation where your leg is in pain, there is no one at home, and there's no food or drinks (or even MILO~!!!!) to enjoy with!?!?!?

That is what I sincerely called the "WA-LAO-WEH~!!!" disease.

Visible symptoms of the disease: constantly repeating the name of the disease in loud manner, develop a sickness called "BEH-SONG", and pointless blogging.


I really need a life. I can't be staring in front of the computer or TV for a whole day.

Saddest thing of all, I can't even press the pedal of my piano!!!

Really WA-LAO-WEH man.... >.<

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