Sunday, August 16, 2009

Heyz there!

I still don't have a laptop to use. Aiks.

Life is good, until I played futsal.

My smart-ass brain told me that playing barefoot is fine since I assumed that the court will be rubber matted. Or carpetted. Or something else comfortable.

It turns out that the futsal court has cement floor.

Don't know why, but I continued to play barefoot.

Lo and behold, surprise, surprise, surprise. (rolls eyes) I got myself a "lat-pei" syndrome.

Info: "Lat-pei" is a term used to describe a skin peeled, revealing the raw skin. Ouch.

On both of my legs somemore. Pain, pain, pain! >.< The size of the wound is equivalent to er... your thumb and index finger forming a ring.

(wind blows) =.="

Very inconvenient when you have less of a body part.

Is even more inconvenient when you have no laptop in NTU campus. Arghh~!!! T.T

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