Friday, September 04, 2009

Dao mei de yi tian... (translation: A very unfortunate day dot dot dot ok I know I'm lame)

When for Modern Jazz's Club audition. Didn't really do well. Lost focus. Out of touch. Even I'm beginning to type incomplete sentences. Crossing my fingers now. Or shall I say, twisting my fingers (you will find out why) T.T


Then while walking back from Hall 7 to Hall 11 after audition (I know, its far), I accidentally stepped into a grass-covered hole. That's how I twisted my left foot badly. Then I limped all the way back to hall.


Later, while walking (or limping) from Hall 11 to Hall 8, there's a group of people walking towards me. So, being polite as I am (ahem), I stepped aside into the grass. This time there is no hole, but a thick branch. That's how I twisted my same left foot again.

*Nevermind your head la*

All this can happen within 2 hours. Saddening.

I should say...

DAO MEI DE LIANG GE XIAO SHI... (translation: A very unfortunate two hours)

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