Sunday, September 27, 2009

EEE Subcomm Maincomm Bonding Camp is over! Yay!

I should say, thumbs up to the social committee! We all did a great job. Sorry for not being enthusiastic as I could be due to my tiredness (and my anxiousness to start the recess!).

Tommorrow is the MJ chalet! I'm so nervous about it. Hope I will enjoy it! =D

Thursday will be the day I will return back to Malaysia.

List of must-do task in Malaysia:

1. Meet up with my friends on Thursday and Friday.

2. Cut my hair.

3. Buy myself a new pair of shoes.

4. Stockpile my food storage.

5. Bring back several stuff (my mini luggage bag, Edifier speakers [OMG! I WANT IT SO BADLY IN SG!])

6. Complete tuition grant (wth)

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