Monday, October 12, 2009

I have a confession to make.

I did not study for my CAs.

And I ain't proud of it.

Apart from successes in Computing, Sounds and Effective Communication (what is there to study in effective communication???), I screwed my CAs terribly. If there is such a thing as the God of Exam, he would have come down to smite me directly in my face and recite "Thou shalt not screw thee's examinations".

Am I distracting myself too much? Have I lost control with myself?

Oh man.

Note: This is not an emo post. It's just a knock of realisation on my head.

Wake up, Daniel Siow Wei Tze aka the-guy-who-does-everything-else-but-study.

1 comment:

jo de bro said...

bro, dun wurry abt it, still got alot of chances, most important u realised where u strayed off and now ur back on de path, gambateh ya!