Thursday, January 31, 2008

Life IS like a boat.

You start your journey with a destination in mind. That specific destination across the sea. You know that you will reach there, and you must reach there no matter what. All the teasing and insults flung wildly at you, trying to bring you down all the way to the ground, hoping that you will not go on, but your heart tells you:

Be strong.

Be brave.

Be tough.

Be confident.

Be yourself.

As you step onto your boat, you know there is no turning back. No looking back. The past is the past, mistakes are gentle reminders for you not to repeat it, past setbacks are memories for you to cherish your victories of overcoming it all.

The first few steps onto your boat tells you that it is shaky, and you know it WILL be shaky all the way.

To your destination you go.

Obstacles constantly challenge your pride and ego: wind that goes against your direction to your destination, waves after waves threatening to capsize your boat, vultures circling above you waiting to seize the oppurtunity to feast your flesh, stormy weather that makes you believe that your life ends at that moment, etc.

A rocky journey you had. Nevertheless, you will go on.

You must go on.

Undefeated, you paddle on. With courage that keeps your head up, with strength that pushes you over the limits, with pride that reminds you of your true potential, with confidence that you know your boat will never sink, and with faith that you know you will make it through. Obstacles by obstacles, you face it like never before, somehow never surprised. One by one you defeat it, and every battle results in the boost of your inner strength, ready to face the next wave of the neverending war.

No matter how far is your destination, no matter how deep is the ocean, no matter how battered your courage be, no matter how mad is the weather, no matter how strong the current be, you will never give up. You know it will be the greatest experience of your life.

You will learn the greatest gift of all from these challenges.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Smiles are seen glaring everywhere, including from my own mouth.

First, my PIC in HAD allowed me to use one of his dance to perform in school. I was really high at that moment, the song already echoing in my head: "Dance~!! Do you wanna dance~!!". Now it's time to gather the dancers together once again.

Next, the Soka family day committee wanted us (the R2P2 people) to perform a routine. I have just cheoreographed a routine and are ready to chereograph even more. So now my head is full of routines, routines, routines and routines. Going to sacrifice a bit of my education.

By the way, I have to plan a children dance routine for end of year JD's (Junior Division) concert too.

Maybe when the time comes, I will be a dancer for living.

Echoes from mom's: "IN YOUR DREAMS!!!"

Hehe. =D

Friday, January 25, 2008


Opportunity rises again!!

Once again, the unofficial irritating dance team of form sixth MBS has finally been given another chance to perform during Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang as promised last year. This time I want to have more and more people crazing around the stage. I am thinking of the theme "crazy" literally. But one thing I feel guilty about: I am going to "borrow" dance steps from my sifu in HAD. At the same time, I am going to use the same song too. Not sure whether that is considered illegal (since all dance steps are all right reserved).

Later, I will go ask him.

The dance will be 98% similiar to the one I performed in Negeri Sembilan Cultural Charity. Oh dear, NOW I feel guilty. The only difference is the number of people and the formation. So sorry sifu... >.<


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Thinking Positively

Everytime there are some bunch of people came up to you, noting your expression of depression, then advise you to think positively. You may either grunted in despair and ignore him or her for the next few days, or you will be very undauntingly motivated for the next few days, and later returned to normal self. (the depressing self)


Thinking positively is something that is difficult to do. Well, it is not impossible. Singaporeans are great in doing so. Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong always does it ("that small piece of mountain over there will definitely become a great place, don't you think?", he says; his aide shook his head in despair). High School Musical are trying to promote positive thinking among youngsters. Zig Ziglar and Andrew Matthews already succeded in doing so and are encouraging others to do so.

So why can't we do it?

Well, maybe there are many factors. Television series (especially Korean dramas, no offence) always depict depression and moan and sadness and moan and despair and moan. Songs that sends depressing message across (too many to account for, but I must say James Blunt are damn good at it). Events that are happening around us such as wars, disasters, political issues and more.

That doesn't mean you have to avoid it. By the way, we can't avoid it (how to resist the temptation to sing out James Blunt's "You're Beautiful"??). But at least what we can do is to see it in another perspectives, such as learning life long lessons from it, reflect ourselves to them, or even enjoy it (alright, that's too sadistic).

Thinking positively needs effort.

Need I say more?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008






Have to borrow Chee Kar's trademark...


Aiyo, just cannot believe it. Thought of taking the loose threads from my broken down pariah pants and tie them up into a big fat chunkie rope, then hang it across my room's fan and hang myself without hesitation. But statistics shows that either the fan will come down before maximum force applied on the fan or the pariah rope made out of loosen-threads-from-short-pants-that-have-American-Express-logo-on-it will loosen itself into pieces. I considered of jumping into the big sewage drain next to my house, but it is just too shallow and clean (even fishes swim in it like nobody's business).

Ah, what the heck.

*Obsessive compulsive in action*

Friday, January 11, 2008

I would like to introduce to you a song:

Life's Like a Boat by Rie Fu.

Go to or anywhere else to hear the music. It's not about the vocal or the piano of the song (though it is really nice), but it is the meaning behind the lyrics. It touched me when I found out the Japanese translation behind it. Loneliness, friendship, challenges, and also the coincidence of the song to my blog: A journey without a destination is worthless. Here's the lyrics and enjoy =D:

Nobody knows who I really am
I never felt this empty before
And if I ever need someone to come along
Who's gonna comfort me and keep me strong?

We are all rowing the boat of fate
The waves keep on coming and we can't escape
But if we ever get lost on our way
The waves would guide you through another day

To-o-ku de i-ki o shi-te-ru
To-o-mei ni nat-ta mi-tai
Ku-ra-ya-mi ni o-mo-e ta-ke-do
Me-ka-ku shi-sa-re-te ta-da-ke

[Taking deep breathes
As if I were transparent
I thought I was in the dark, but
I was only blindfolded]

I-no-ri wo sa-sa-ge-te
A-ta-ra-shi-i hi o ma-tsu
A-za-ya-ka ni hi-ka-ru u-mi
So-no ha-te ma-de
[Offer a prayer
A new day is waiting
Till the end
Of a vividly shining sea]

Nobody knows who I really am
Maybe they just don't give a damn
But if I ever need someone to come along
I know you would follow me and keep me strong

Hi-to no ko-ko-ro wa u-tsu-ri-yu-ku
Nu-ke da shi-ta-ku na-ru
Tsu-ki wa ma-da a-ta-ra-shi-i shu-u-ki
De mu-ne wo tsu-re-te-ku

[People's hearts change
And you'll stop wanting to slip away
The moon is in a new cycle
So bring the boat alone]

And every time I see your face
The ocean heaves up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars
And soon I can see the shore

Oh, I can see the shore
When will I see the shore?

I want you to know who I really am
I never thought I'd feel this way towards you
And if you ever need someone to come along
I will follow you and keep you strong

Ta-bi wa ma-da tsu-zu-i-te-ku
O-da-ya-ka-na hi mo
Tsu-ki wa ma-ta a-ta-ra-shi-i shu-u-ki
De u-me wo te-ra-shi-da-su
[The journey still goes on
Even on quiet days
The moon is in a new cycle
Illuminating the boat]


U-n-mei no fu-ne wo ko-gi
Na-mi wa tsu-gi ka-ra tsu-ki e to
wa-ta-shi-ta-chi o so-u ke-do
So-re mo su-te-ki na ta-bi ne
Do-re mo su-te-ki na ta-bi ne

[Row the boat of destiny
And even though
Wave after wave attacks us
This is a wonderful journey
They're all wonderful journeys]

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

{Random post}

School is always fun.

Event 1

Our MUET teacher, Pn. Tay gave us an on-the-spot assignment whereby one will write down his or her dislike in any particular rules and regulation, then his or her partner will write down why the rules or regulations stated by him or her actually exist.

So I partnered up with Zhi Wang, and one of the rules was written by him: "Liquid paper are not allowed to bring to school".

My answer?

"Solid paper are a more appropriate writing pad" XD

Event 2

After the KITA's Physics tuition, my bunch of friends and I avoided the lift and used the staircase. At the ground floor, we saw a notice on a piece of paper stuck to the wall that states:

"請將垃圾丟去後面. 謝謝!"
(Please place your rubbish at the back. Thank you!)

Then Chiew Wai went against the wall and peered sideways into the back of the paper.

(How to throw at the back [of the paper]???)

Since then, the whole group suffered stomach ache. >.<

Friday, January 04, 2008

What is dancing?

An impressive way to be expressive, I say.

Dancing has been my hobby since young. I could remember myself jumping over pillows that was placed on the floor, and I called it dancing. Laugh, laugh all you want. There's more. Sweeping my legs and my hands (or maybe I should say "flinging") as though I'm trying to prove the existence of multi-plane dimension, I called that dancing, too. Flapping my hands in the shape of a chicken and walking around to the tune, "Dancing on the Ceiling" by Lionel Richie, I dare say it is dancing.

And now, I'm still at it.

I loved dancing a lot now. Sometimes I know I'm not good, but I insists on dancing as though spikes growing within the soles of my shoes. Watching videos in inspires me much too. Seeing others is all I can do to learn: popping, liquid dancing, gliding, robotic dance, locking, etc. Dancing lets me feel the adrenaline rush in my blood and express myself without thinking twice.

One question: So you think you can dance?

Based on my experience (I already performed quite a number of times, including main ones such as Negeri Sembilan Charity Show and school's midautumn festival; others are minor =p), I believe that it is not the capability of dancing that matters actually. My point is, everyone can dance. I don't expect everyone to be able to breakdance or what, but simple dance such as hip hop, modern dancing, freestyle, crazy-mode-and-unable-to-control-self dance, move-your-hands-in-small-circles-in-front-of-you dance and others is great enough.


Passion or passionless, it is in our blood already. Our ancestors during caveman period already knew how to perform a dance around a bonfire without even been guided. Ask any president in the world to dance and they would (Have you seen Nelson Mandela dance? It's during a historic event [not the dance but the eventful day]). Great Kungfu masters in the world knows how to apply their routine moves into dances. I would not be surprised if James Blunt suddenly put down his guitar during a concert and starts dancing.

So, why some of us can't dance???

Well, that particular "some of us" can't dance not because "some of us" can't but because we are afraid to lose face. Humility is the greatest obstacle to dancing. Great dancers in the world can dance because they have the THICKEST skin in the world. They wouldn't care if they made any mistakes. All they want is to feel the adrenaline rush while dancing. If we can overcome that shame, we can dance like it's 1970s.

We can dance. We just need to put away the shyness in us.

In the nutshell, if you are tempted to blast your player up to max and tap-dance to the tune, I daresay, why not?

Note the flying shoes and slippers towards your window.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New dance video~!!

Check out my latest dance video. The song is "Move Your Body" by Eiffel 65, one of my favourite song to dance with. Hope you all enjoy it! Drop by comments and advice if you must. Thanks!

Two oh oh eight. Er ling ling ba. Dua kosong kosong lapan.

Ladies and gentlemen. We would like to proudly present to you: the great, anticipated, magnificent, chaotic, unpredictable, no-nonsense, senseless(?), purposeful, exciting, challenging, hectic, hold-up-your-undies-if-you-will event of the year...

The new year.


*Does it sounds like, "yeeerrrr... 2008 [oh, great...]"*

Wow, truthfully, the year 2008 ushered in with such speed, like somebody knocking your door and suddenly brought the whole house down just to get into your house. Alright, I'm not good in metaphors. Noted. So many things happened in the year 2007. Some are totally eventful, some sadly uneventful. I see lots of improvements and unprovements (is there such word?) in myself. Friends come and go like liquid and solute in the process of osmosis. Life sucks and rocks (who invented those words "sucks" and "rocks"? Sounds like a drug pusher trying to stuff heroin in a reluctant victim's mouth).

I must say, I do enjoy 2007 like crazy, literally. 80% from the 365 days were the days where I can get high and crazy without even smelling alcohol. Dopamine in my brains senselessly released without my pituitary glands' permission.

Since it is 2008 now, 2007 will be my memories that will always be tresured. Learn from mistakes, carry the unfinished business from the past, cherish happy moments, make more mistakes so that I can learn from it in 2009, and look towards 2008 as the neverending path of self development.

Resolutions? Too many to be accounted for. BUT of course there are main ones:

  • Get a habit of helping others and geting help from others. (I tend to be selfish =X)
  • Study hard with an objective to learn, not to score in examination only.
  • Be more active in SGM, HAD, R2P2P4, school, etc.
  • Be more creative in dancing and improvisation in piano. Get in touch with guitar again.
  • Expose myself in anything to have more experience. Set a mindset of the environment as my teacher.
  • Cherish every moments with my friends.
  • Stop thinking about buying a new mp3 player or earphones or handphones.

Last but not least...


Well, that is all. Once again...







Dong dong dong chiang, dong dong dong chiang...

Eh? Too fast.







HAPPY YEAR 2008!!!!!!

All the best in your journey.

This is brought to you by Adidis, pirated brand to Adidas.
