Sunday, February 03, 2008

Can't Believe It

Yes, I can't.

Giving RM15 to those who attended the Wilayah Persekutuan Day?

Materialism over patrioticism????

What a joke.

I'm not sure whether the 'promotion' belonged to the government or the school itself. Nevertheless, I think it is fairly ridiculous. Not only just that, but they (or the teacher) will give based on head count, so by bringing your family members, you can reduce your financial aid of ang pows. HEAD COUNT?? Where in the world going to now???

Using Ringgit Malaysia to attract people? To make up NUMBERS???


I do really have no comment.

By the way, I don't know what happen that night, but i hoped most of you who attended it enjoyed.

Sorry to those who are offended.

*Aiyah, there goes my chance of getting free RM15* =p

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