Friday, August 21, 2009


Procedure for PC loan can't be completed!

By the way, my mom came all the way from home to bring me lots and lots and LOTS of stuff! Food, utensils, extra stuff, and even found my super-favourite yellow-collared Edifier shirt! Thanks mom!!!

Another reason why she come to Singapore is to sign for the agreement of computer loan. So sorry, mom. Next time I will read the terms and conditions for gurantor properly. >.<

Sadly, the computer shop say I must have a Student Pass to complete this loan.

HEY! I only get my Student Pass next week leh!!!

Luckily the shop let us sign the agreement, and asked me to bring my student pass next week to complete it without the need of my mom's presence.

But still, it means I need to wait a week longer before I could get my hands on the laptop. That's mean I have to wait 3 more weeks.


*continue drawing circles on the floor with my index finger*

1 comment:

gary said...

I think you can go Lavendar to get yourself le.