Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Wah Lao Weh.

A lot of things going on at the same time. And previously in my life I thought that I know what is multitasking.

In NTU, multitasking is like trying to juggle 5 balls, standing on one feet, the other feet playing Dance Dance Revolution, and attending a mass video conference. Not sure where I get these random ideas, but yeah you get the picture.

Another metaphor: it's like trying to show a middle finger to them, but your fingers are so busy with many other stuff.

Regretted telling off seniors last year: Why aren't you enthusiastic enough? Too busy?

I believe in karma. I'm so ready to be told off by my juniors. >.<

Thank goodness I have dance as the best distraction I have from this hellish life. So looking forward for any dance opportunities.

But these things in life is challenges I have to face! I have to overcome it! RWAR! =D