Monday, February 09, 2009

Dream, dream, dream, dream...

Due to excessive amount of free time, I suddenly had this day dream.

With the usage of petroleum rapidly increases every year, it worries me that it will end one day. In order to reduce the dependency on petroleum, I thought of innovating something that can generate electricity for free and unlimited. I thought of many possibilities: wind, water, feces (not comfortable with the idea), light, atomic reaction (not safe)...

And suddenly, I thought of gravity.

Hm. Is it possible to design a device that can use gravity to its' fullest? Can kinetic energy alone be able to generate electricity without the help of magnetism? If the amount of electricity is insignificant, can it be amplified without using electricity (or else it is purposeless to USE electricity to PRODUCE electricity; irony it is)? Is it even possible to use gravity to produce a system that albeit to the rules of simple harmonic motion?

Though it is beginning to sound impossible, but no one has ever tried it yet (I think). Since there isn't anyone trying it, how can we say it is impossible? No one could actually imagine that the supercomputer with the size of a family hall in the past could be shrunk into the size that we have today; hence the name "desktop".

Wow. The more I think of this, the more I want to be an electronic and electrical engineer. It's cool~!!! =P

While typing this, I was thinking of another possibility.

Can we harness electricity from SOUNDS?


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